Sunday, February 17, 2013

Dream On.....Go on!!

A wish that gives birth to a dream,
When get fulfilled, gives joy to the brim;

Needs Persistent effort to accomplish,
Perseverance to realize,
Patience to relish,
Wisdom to appreciate
And GOD's grace to get fulfilled;

Do not get deviated from what you dream for,
Hold on to it as small things come to please,
Great are those who visualize their dream,
And who do not falter if obstacles come to trim;

Imagine it with all your mind,
Believe it with all your heart,

Achieve it will all your might

Keep moving what you dream for..what you vision for...a step at a time
And don't ever give up, come what may to what you believe is the shrine.

"Dream for the heaven, stars will a company you"

Roopak Desai

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