Thursday, February 7, 2013

Become fearless and not fearsome manager..

To be a fearless manager, and a leader, you need to be determined, confident, and bold. Here are some steps you can take to become a confident manager:

Address needed changes:

As a manager, you need to confront realities within your organization. Develop vision, strategies, and measurements to bring change to your organization.

Set the bar high…and act on it:

Demand more from your employees, your peers, your superiors, and most important, yourself. If your employees stay late and put in extra hours, stay late too. Those around you will begin to look toward you as an inspiring figure within the company—a truly confident leader.

Demand accountability and decisiveness:

Focus on having single points of responsibility, that will the need of consensus from all different teams while also revealing any weak points on your team. 

There is fine line of being fearless and fearsome...So be mindful of that and become a fearless Manager!!!!

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