Sunday, April 7, 2013

Emotional Intelligence --> Perform to Shine!!

Your Emotional Intelligence: The Secret of Being A Star Performer at Work
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Star performers simply do more with what they have – effective skill management, good on-the-job habits and emotional intelligence. Everyone knows about the importance of hard work and effectiveness, but the importance of emotional intelligence has been largely overlooked until now.
Emotions and intelligence are not the same thing!” you may be saying to yourself. We have been taught to think about I.Q. being solely abstract intelligence (verbal and logical) and/or concrete intelligence (spatial and perceptive). The concept of emotional intelligence wasn’t truly respected until the early 1990s.
Emotional intelligence is known by a lot of terms, such as “soft skills,” “interpersonal skills,” “social intelligence” or “good people skills.” Emotional intelligence, essentially, is the practical way that we get along in the world; the way we relate to and understand others and ourselves. This intelligence is often referred to as EQ (emotional quotient), much like the way IQ (intelligence quotient) is to “traditional” intelligence.
There are 5 main elements of emotional intelligence:
  1. Self-Awareness: The talent of gauging and understanding your own emotions is very important to high EQ – by understanding yourself, you also understand others. Self-awareness ultimately allows us insight into why people act the way that they do.
  2. Management of Emotions: Managing and controlling your emotional state is the second most important ability to EQ. If you want to get along in your workplace, controlling your emotions successfully is a key both to getting along well with others and remaining effective under stress.
  3. Self-Motivation: This skill allows you to focus and control your emotions to achieve ends, whether it is success at work or creating strong relationships with others. Motivated workers use their emotions and needs to spur themselves to seize initiative and to fuel their drive to succeed.
  4. Empathy: Empathy is the ability to understand the emotions of others, to “walk a mile in their shoes,” and is at the core of what we often call good `interpersonal skills’.”
  5. Social Skills: We all know these type of people; the popular kids in school, the guy that everyone likes or someone that everyone else wishes they were. Strong social skills are vital to networking and establishing effective relationships with others.

Try some of these strategies developed by experts to increase your “heart smarts” for success in the workplace:
Get to Know Yourself Better
As the saying goes, you can’t love anyone until you love yourself – in the same way, you cannot raise your emotional intelligence with others until you understand your own emotions better. Getting in touch with your own emotions and understanding yourself better is the first step in developing your EQ. Turn your external lens inward; try asking yourself questions, writing, or meditating. Learning more about yourself and the way you react to others can foster higher levels of empathy and emotion management, two core attributes of high EQ.
Get Optimistic
While not necessarily part of emotional intelligence, optimism promotes good EQ habits and is a fantastic tool for raising your emotional quotient. Pessimism inherently sees problems as being pervasive and permanent, while optimism fuels motivation, effective stress coping, self-esteem and facilitates emotional stability. Your positive outlook also will reflect back to your co-workers, helping increase their confidence in turn.
Internalize Success and Externalize Failure
Similar to optimism, confidence is a very empowering part of our success and performance and the things we keep inside directly affect our confidence. We internalize the things that we focus on, so dwelling on failure becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead, try to internalize your successes while keeping your shortcomings at arm’s length. When this becomes a natural part of your thinking, you will find that you are more confident, able to readily meet challenges and succeed – confident is as confidence does.
Get Going!
Once you understand and can control the degree of emotions you feel, use your understanding to motivate yourself. Learn which “bones” you can wave in order to get results – are you motivated by personal growth, feeling good about yourself, or being able to go home having nothing to do? Appeal to these more “primal” urges and you will find that it is easier to remain motivated and effective on the job.
Take Control
Initiative is another reflection of high EQ and critical for workplace success as well. Practice your leadership skills by heading up a project or making a presentation when an opportunity arises. Express interest in taking additional responsibility or learning new skills to your manager. Increasing your leadership ability and on-the-job competency not only broadens your skill base, it also brings you into the limelight with leaders and fellow workers alike.
Manage Your Relationships
The old adage, “It is not what you know, it’s who you know” still rings true, but in the workplace it’s a question of “It’s not who you know, it’s how you know them.” Relationships are the beating heart of a workplace and a team; how they work with you will affect the way you work. Ask yourself what could you do to build better, more personable relationships with your co-workers. Don’t think this is brown-nosing; building earnest workplace relationships is both of benefit to you and all those around you, a sure-fire way to better your workplace reputation and increase your team’s efficiency.
In the end, there are no guarantees that increasing your emotional intelligence will make you a star performer – but it will help. Make an effort not only to work better, but also to work better with others at your job, and you have a formula for success. By practicing these methods of EQ, you can create stronger relationships, finally get the recognition you deserve and learn to be a shining example to everyone else of what a star was really meant to be.

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