Sunday, April 28, 2013
Are you a rational or intuitive problem solver?
For carrying any problem can be done by either adopting rational thinking or with an intuitive thinking process.
According to Brian Tracy, author of "How the best Leaders lead" - "Your entire success as a person and a leader is determined by your ability to solve problems effectively and well. Whatever title is written on your business card, your real job is problem solver"
Rational problem Solving Technique:
Brian Tracy suggests 10 steps for rational problem solving:
1. Define the problem
2. Ask yourself, What else is problematic?
3. Restate the problem in a way that is clear and helpful in solving the problem
4. Determine all possible causes of the problem
5. Determine a variety of possible solutions
6. Decide which solution to try first
7. Assign responsibility for the solution
8. Set a timeline
9. Implement the plan
10. Evaluate the outcome. If the problem isn't solved, go back to the first step.
This is analytic, deliberate, conscious and cyclic process.
In this methodology, it is important to take a decision on a particular solution based on information collected to act upon. If the action doesn't result in a solution, it still helps to gain information that may ultimately lead to a solution
"A weak solution vigorously carried out is usually better than a excellent solution weakly pursued" - By George S Patton, as quoted by Tracy.
The classic example is Bill Gates...who has used the rational style of the problem solving in leading Microsoft.
Intuitive Problem Solving Technique:
It is an automatic thinking process. It can produce "aha" moments for people how prefer it and are familiar with using it.
The genius of Steve Jobs have been viewed by many and also in his biography by Walter Isaacson as a intuitive problem solver whose success was based on his unique style of thinking. He did different acquisitions, birth of Pixar Animation, birth of Mac and all his "i" inspired products (iTune, iPhone, iPad....) are based on his intuitive vision.
How does intuitive Problem solving work?
1. Ponder the problem as a question in your mind during a quite routine time, such as before bedtime, on a walk or run, in the shower or when you doing some systemic chore like folding laundry.
2. Leave the question alone - unanalyzed and untouched.
3. Pay attention to dreams and random thoughts so when the answer pops into your mind you will see or hear it.
4. Seek new experiences, such as starting a new hobby, making a new friend or talking a different route to work.
5. Engage in brief meditation. It enhances the intuitive problem solving process.
In end up solving it with "eureka" moment either from a gut feeling or in middle of night you will get a vision or just while talking with your close partner/team or by your creativeness feeder.
An example that we all can relate to is "House, MD. (Hugh Laurie)" from the award winning medical fiction TV serial . He is a genius Doctor but does not follow rational path to diagnose and get a solution to a death nearing disease. He exactly follows to above intuitive process mentioned and guides his team through it. It surely seems eccentric to some who believes in book way of figuring out a cause of disease or medication for disease. Instead keeps all solution open on table, focuses intuitive process and thinking out of the box because obvious course of action does not help any how.
"I get anxious about a lot of things, that's the trouble. I get anxious about everything. I just can't stop thinking about things all the time. And here's the really destructive part - it's always retrospective. I waste time thinking of what I should have said or done." -- Hugh Laurie
Picture Credit:
I certainly believe in intuitive problem solving technique to get a visionary ideas, solution and breakthrough diagnosis which may not be then possible with rational solving process.
Roopak Desai
- This article has been inspired by Brian Tracy book "How the Best Leaders Lead" and article in Toastmasters International Magazine by Judith C. Tingely, DTM, Ph.D
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Leadership Model
What is the Leadership Process Model?
- The Leader: This is the person who takes charge, and directs the group's performance.
- Followers: These are the people who follow the leader's directions on tasks and projects.
- The Context: This is the situation in which the work is performed. For instance, it may be a regular workday, an emergency project, or a challenging, long-term assignment. Context can also cover the physical environment, resources available, and events in the wider organization.
- Outcomes: These are the results of the process. Outcomes could be reaching a particular goal, developing a high-quality product, or resolving a customer service issue. They can also include things like improved trust and respect between the leader and followers, or higher team morale.
Key Points
- Providing regular feedback.
- Being aware of actions and reactions.
- Leading honestly and ethically.
- Leading with the right style.
- Assigning tasks consciously and intelligently.
- Focusing on relationship development.
“The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly.” - Jim Rohn
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." - John Quincy Adam
Monday, April 22, 2013
Unlockin the managerial nightmares!!
Understanding the Model
- Concern for People – This is the degree to which a leader considers the needs of team members, their interests, and areas of personal development when deciding how best to accomplish a task.
- Concern for Production – This is the degree to which a leader emphasizes concrete objectives, organizational efficiency and high productivity when deciding how best to accomplish a task.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Life Ways....
Through out 4 years of engineering, I hardly interacted with girls can call me shy or may be too much into studies not to look for beauty around :-). Nevertheless, it were most exciting and fulfilling years of my life. I do have regret for not have to seat a girl on my the Vespa PL 170 which was one of the kind scooter which I loved it. I used to drive it like a rocket and would not trade for anything if given a choice.
Moving on...I did my M.Tech from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai and my one and half years in powai, mumbai are the most treasured years as of date. The amount of learning by interaction with some awesome young B.Tech fellows, hostel experience, and rigorous learning are some of the highlights of it. Yes..while in IIT I did not make the mistake twice. I had taken my Vespa PL 120 on campus and the backseat was happy to have girl take a ride :-). I still recall the hostel wing water fun fights, sunday mess menu that we awaited every week, eating maggie noodles at midnight and funda of learning with sharing while burning the midnight oil.
After couple of other adventures like going to Phillippines, I came to US for further studies. I am now ingrained in lifestyle of US and love it here. Though miss India especially friends with whom I grew up with and who have been partners while learning and growing.
And after 19 years of leaving L.D engineering , I happen to meet climax of connecting with a classmate with whom I did not exchanged a single word. It is through a common friend A, with whom again I must have hardly interacted but we came to meet each other in L.D Alumni meet last year. This was a trigger that lead to other events which again was not foreseen at all.
Thanks to Face book and social networking that made it possible. I added A as a friend and I happen to click "like" to one of the nice family pictures of A after 6 months since that drew my attention since it was very nice picture will everyone wore bright red dresses. Well, that got attention to someone in India who was a classmate too. She happen remember me by name, not that I was famous among girls :-) ..but yes may be as some one who never bunked classes!!!
Instantly she sent me friend invite. I was taken by surprise since I had no idea who she was. But then though I was intrigued how could I deny a friend's request. So I accepted it. We then happen to exchange notes about having studied together in L.D and she tried to remind me of other girls whom she hanged out with. Still I could not recollect...must be surely disappointing to her. Coincidentally, B who is another classmate put our class photo on internet and that was was a changing factor. She was tagged on the photo and then she asked me if I could now remember her. I still said no...but then I thought hard ring my bells in brain looking at her photo...and light bulb went on!!
I did remember her and instantly mentioned it to her. For me that was no less than Archimedes "Eureka" feeling. And then while exchanging notes some some amazing coincidences....that she is born on the same day, date and year as me. And around same time. How crazy is that?
I still am not able to fathom the fact that we never talked for 4 years of Engineering and got connected in mysterious ways after 19 be a closest friends and found an instant connection and bond between each other. She is C.
"When it is meant to be...It happens...All out of the Blue..And that is destiny!!"
GOD has His mysterious ways...He has created you with a plan…it is up to you how you lead it along the journey and make it into a beautiful masterpiece!!!!
"Treat everyone important and worthy, there are some strengths and qualities in each individual which you can learn from, share with or get help with at the needed time".
"Always keep the open heart and mind when you meet some one on the way, since you never know in which shape and form you will meet some one GOD send and you will be grateful forever"
(p.s: names are fictitious for privacy)
Monday, April 15, 2013
Managing Stress
Key Points
Saturday, April 13, 2013
The Happiness Project
Who Am I?
Where did I come from?
Where am I going?
Why I am here?
A Sanskrit term used to describe the supreme reality is sat-cit-ananda, which means "existence-knowledge-bliss.
3 Concepts/Practices:
- Meditation and Mindfulness
- Building meaningful and extraordinary relationship
- Gratefulness
1. Meditation & Mindfulness (MM)
"Just be in the present moment, and you will start unleashing the simple moments of joy around you"
2. Meaningful and extraordinary relationships
3. Gratefulness
It is about developing attitude of gratitude. Being thankful for what you have. Being grateful for life you have and making the best of it.
We need to be grateful and feel blessed for small things that happen in life. Today is a gift from God - that is why it is called the present.
I am grateful to everyone who has come in my life and to be where I am, how I am and what I am. I am grateful to my parents, my wife, my friends, my family. I am grateful to breathe the fresh air every morning. I am grateful to wake up with a smile every morning. I am grateful to be grateful.
In conclusion, these three principles have transformed my life. Meditation has been center of these 3 - Mindfulness, Building Meaningful Relationships and Gratefulness.
I am sure it will transform yours too and will make a positive difference in quality of your life.
Let me play this small video that summarizes the core around the Happiness Project.
Pickle Jar
“Happiness is not a goal…it’s a by-product of a life well lived.” Eleanor Roosevelt
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Meditation and Mindfullness 》Poise 》Success
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Building meaningful and extraordinary relationships!!
Relationship is one of the prime single entiries that can help to you make a difference...for you and for other person.
You are in control of it and choose to do more with your interactions with other person.
Care more...involve the context and meaning when you do conversation...have deeper feelings...reach out...
We all are thirsty of spread the luv and will all come back to you...that is the law of universe!!
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Emotional Intelligence --> Perform to Shine!!
- Self-Awareness: The talent of gauging and understanding your own emotions is very important to high EQ – by understanding yourself, you also understand others. Self-awareness ultimately allows us insight into why people act the way that they do.
- Management of Emotions: Managing and controlling your emotional state is the second most important ability to EQ. If you want to get along in your workplace, controlling your emotions successfully is a key both to getting along well with others and remaining effective under stress.
- Self-Motivation: This skill allows you to focus and control your emotions to achieve ends, whether it is success at work or creating strong relationships with others. Motivated workers use their emotions and needs to spur themselves to seize initiative and to fuel their drive to succeed.
- Empathy: Empathy is the ability to understand the emotions of others, to “walk a mile in their shoes,” and is at the core of what we often call good `interpersonal skills’.”
- Social Skills: We all know these type of people; the popular kids in school, the guy that everyone likes or someone that everyone else wishes they were. Strong social skills are vital to networking and establishing effective relationships with others.
As the saying goes, you can’t love anyone until you love yourself – in the same way, you cannot raise your emotional intelligence with others until you understand your own emotions better. Getting in touch with your own emotions and understanding yourself better is the first step in developing your EQ. Turn your external lens inward; try asking yourself questions, writing, or meditating. Learning more about yourself and the way you react to others can foster higher levels of empathy and emotion management, two core attributes of high EQ.
While not necessarily part of emotional intelligence, optimism promotes good EQ habits and is a fantastic tool for raising your emotional quotient. Pessimism inherently sees problems as being pervasive and permanent, while optimism fuels motivation, effective stress coping, self-esteem and facilitates emotional stability. Your positive outlook also will reflect back to your co-workers, helping increase their confidence in turn.
Similar to optimism, confidence is a very empowering part of our success and performance and the things we keep inside directly affect our confidence. We internalize the things that we focus on, so dwelling on failure becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead, try to internalize your successes while keeping your shortcomings at arm’s length. When this becomes a natural part of your thinking, you will find that you are more confident, able to readily meet challenges and succeed – confident is as confidence does.
Once you understand and can control the degree of emotions you feel, use your understanding to motivate yourself. Learn which “bones” you can wave in order to get results – are you motivated by personal growth, feeling good about yourself, or being able to go home having nothing to do? Appeal to these more “primal” urges and you will find that it is easier to remain motivated and effective on the job.
Initiative is another reflection of high EQ and critical for workplace success as well. Practice your leadership skills by heading up a project or making a presentation when an opportunity arises. Express interest in taking additional responsibility or learning new skills to your manager. Increasing your leadership ability and on-the-job competency not only broadens your skill base, it also brings you into the limelight with leaders and fellow workers alike.
The old adage, “It is not what you know, it’s who you know” still rings true, but in the workplace it’s a question of “It’s not who you know, it’s how you know them.” Relationships are the beating heart of a workplace and a team; how they work with you will affect the way you work. Ask yourself what could you do to build better, more personable relationships with your co-workers. Don’t think this is brown-nosing; building earnest workplace relationships is both of benefit to you and all those around you, a sure-fire way to better your workplace reputation and increase your team’s efficiency.
In the end, there are no guarantees that increasing your emotional intelligence will make you a star performer – but it will help. Make an effort not only to work better, but also to work better with others at your job, and you have a formula for success. By practicing these methods of EQ, you can create stronger relationships, finally get the recognition you deserve and learn to be a shining example to everyone else of what a star was really meant to be.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Secret to Body Language unleashed...
The 10 Commandments of Interpreting Body Language | Empower the Leader in You
You don't need words to understand person's response if you learn to observe and interpret the body langugae.
Lacking Self-Confidence?
Building self confidence is like building a thing step by step ...brick by brick. It does not happen automatically but with hard work, persistent effort, and self correction.
To build self-confidence the secret is start dressing to look confident, walking with expanded chest & shoulders back and lastly talking with eye contact.
Self Check:
Low Self-Confidence
Doing what you believe to be right, even if others mock or criticize you for it.
Governing your behavior based on what other people think.
Being willing to take risks and go the extra mile to achieve better things.
Staying in your comfort zone, fearing failure and so avoid taking risks.
Admitting your mistakes, and learning from them.
Working hard to cover up mistakes, and hoping that you can fix the problem before anyone notices.
Waiting for others to congratulate you on your accomplishments.
Extolling your own virtues as often as possible to as many people as possible.
Accepting compliments graciously. “Thanks, I really worked hard on that prospectus. I’m pleased you recognize my efforts.”
Dismissing compliments offhandedly. “Oh that prospectus was nothing really, anyone could have done it.”
Key Points
- Prepare for your journey.
- Set out on your journey.
- Accelerate towards success.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Enjoying being Dreamer...
5 Lessons on Bringing Your Dream to Life | Tiny Buddha
Dream 》Vision 》Aspiration 》Prespiration》Realization....
FREEDOM Tower...
Profound and Simple Quotes to live by....
A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit.
An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied.
Live so that your friends can defend you but never have to.
Make your life a mission - not an intermission.
Make your life a mission-not an intermission.
One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.
Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time.
Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion.
By..Arnold Glasgow
Idea & You
- Swami Vivekananda
- Buddha
- Ashleigh Brilliant
- Howard Aiken
- Andre Malraux
- Arthur C. Clarke
- Jim Rohn
- John F. Kennedy
- Pablo Picasso
- Albert Einstein
- Nolan Bushnell
- Arnold H. Glasgow
- Henry Ford
- Mary Kay Ash
- Harvey S. Firestone
- Barbara Bush
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Sigmund Freud
- George Bernard Shaw
- Benazir Bhutto
- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
- Mignon McLaughlin
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Anthony Robbins
- Alfred Bernhard Nobel
- Dee Hock
- John Steinbeck
- Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
- Hyman Rickover
- Eleanor Roosevelt